Carols of Splendour

A cheerful, splashy tour de force, skillfully constructed and full of clever ideas. — Conan Castle, The Choral Journal

For Mixed (SATB) or Men’s (TTTB) Chorus with keyboard or orchestral accompaniment, this three movement work has been performed worldwide following its premiere at Carnegie Hall. Duration: 12 minutes.

Salutation * Interlude: Modo Sciliano * Glory

Purchasing Information
Piano/Vocal scores are available for purchase from Colla Voce Music (317.923.5310).
* 55-50117: SATB and piano.
* 55-50302: TTTB and piano

Orchestral parts (chamber or full orchestra) are available on rental from Colla Voce Music. Rental materials include either full score [2(2 pic)222 4331 timp perc hp str] or chamber score [1(pic)100 2000 perc hp str].

For a quote or more details, contact the Colla Voce Music via email or at 317.923.5310.

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